The State of State Policy: Opportunities and Challenges for Hospital at Home Webinar

When:  Jun 24, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM (ET)

The Hospital at Home Users Group, in partnership with the American Academy of Home Care Medicine, is pleased to present our latest webinar for hospital and system leaders interested in learning about the opportunities and challenges associated with providing acute care in the home.

While the national effort to extend the CMS waiver has been justifiably receiving a lot of attention, state policy can have important ramifications for HaH programs. State regulatory agencies are a major force shaping HaH–from permitting HaH development to determining what programs look like and can do. As HaH reimbursement evolves, regulatory changes may be on the horizon.

Join us for “The State of State Policy” to hear perspectives from panelists representing different states and stakeholder groups, including government, health systems and advocates. Speakers will discuss proposed legislation that could affect HaH, pros and cons of current regulations, and HaH innovations happening in their respective states. The conversation will also cover how HaH programs can approach and engage (sometimes skeptical) state regulators.

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