Register for the upcoming Hospital at Home Users Group webinar, Age Friendly Beyond the Hospital: Innovation in Hospital at Home, on April 11th at 4 pm ET!
Age-Friendly Health Systems is an ongoing, multi-year initiative led by The John A. Hartford Foundation and Institute for Healthcare Improvement to improve the quality and effectiveness of care of older adults across practice settings by employing an evidence-based, person-centered framework known as the 4Ms: What Matters, Medication, Mentation, and Mobility.
Age-friendly health care principles have been integrated into many care settings, but there is no established playbook for Hospital at Home programs. While the HaH model inherently addresses key principles of age-friendly care, there is room to incorporate even more of these ideas in practice—and a number of HaH programsare developing innovative approaches.
Attend this webinar to learn more about the basics of age-friendly health care and the 4Ms framework, the preliminary research about the 4Ms in HaH, and how programs are adapting and implementing the 4Ms model in practice.
Register here.