Registration is open for the 2025 Critical Care Congress! Join your peers in Orlando, Florida, February 23-25, 2025, and explore the latest in critical care knowledge, research, and technology.
Congress will focus on the power of data with many sessions on AI and clinical applications. You’ll find the whole program to be science based, diverse, and comprehensive of topics important to the multiprofessional team.
The Benefits
• Build relationships and network with 5000+ members of the critical care community
• 100+ sessions focused on the latest research and hot topics
• 150+ world-renowned expert critical care speakers
• 1200+ abstracts and case reports presented
• 100+ exhibitors showcasing the newest tools and technologies
• 100+ accredited continuing education (ACE) credits and maintenance of certification (MOC) points available through the in-person event plus Congress Digital
Collaborate with those who share your goal of improving patient care and attend the Geriatrics Track sessions that specifically highlight the care of older patients in the ICU, including Thought Leader Session “Why the 4Ms Approach to Critical Care Improves Quality: Lessons From the Age-Friendly Health Systems Movement" led by President of The John A. Hartford Foundation, Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN.
For a limited time, AGS members can get 50% discounted registration to the Congress with the coupon code 50AGSCON25. Register online at
• Enter the coupon code at checkout to receive the discount.
• The coupon expires on February 25, 2025.
Register today and explore the latest in critical care knowledge, research, and technology while engaging with a diverse community of multiprofessional clinicians at the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s 2025 Critical Care Congress.