Hospital at Home, Medicaid, and Equity: Lessons from Three States Webinar

When:  Sep 19, 2023 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM (ET)

The Hospital at Home Users Group, in partnership with the American Academy of Home Care Medicine, is pleased to present their latest webinar for hospital and system leaders interested in learning about the opportunities and challenges associated with providing acute care in the home.

This webinar features speakers from three states–Illinois, Massachusetts, and North Carolina–that are in different stages of advancing Medicaid coverage for HaH services. In addition to representing different states, each panelist brings a unique perspective as a clinician, payer, or advocate.  

Panelists will describe their states’ experience with expanding Medicaid coverage for HaH, including the barriers and facilitators to the process. They will address how HaH programs have adapted to this coverage, and how working with Medicaid is promoting greater health equity.