When Digital Goes Down: Ensuring Care Continuity in a Catastrophic Tech Crash Webinar

When:  Sep 10, 2024 from 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM (ET)

The Hospital at Home Users Group, in partnership with the American Academy of Home Care Medicine, is pleased to present their latest webinar for hospital and system leaders interested in learning about the opportunities and challenges associated with providing acute care in the home. 

The recent botched Crowdstrike software update disabled health systems across the country.  Hospital at home programs were not spared and were forced to rally in real time to work around vital electronic systems that went down.  This webinar will examine three programs, each affected differently by the outage.  How did they respond in the moment to ensure care continuity?  How are they preparing for future digital emergencies?  Listen in for thoughtful and creative approaches to preventing disruptions in Hospital at Home when your digital connections and resources break down. 

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