You are not currently logged in. Please login or join AGS to participate in our online communities. AGS' MyAGSOnline community site is exclusive to AGS members and includes the AGS Member Forum, as well as a variety of online communities for Special Interest Groups and Sections. Click here to learn more about AGS member benefits and how to join.
About AGS Special Interest Groups/Sections and How to Join:
Special Interest Groups
AGS Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are grass-roots, member-led communities focused on specific areas and topics of interest regarding care for all of us as we age. SIGs provide a forum for members to network, discuss common concerns, share successes and identify potential collaborations. SIG participation is open to both AGS members and non-members; however online communities are exclusive to AGS members.
AGS members can join through a SIG's online community. Just login and click "join community" next to the community name.
If you are not an AGS member, contact the chair to be added to the event communication list.
Click here for a list of SIGs and co-chairs.
Sections represent groups of AGS members from specific disciplines who come together to encourage networking and collaboration. AGS Section participants meet in online communities and during the AGS Annual Scientific Meeting .
AGS members can join through a section's online community. Just login and click "join community" next to the community name.
Click here for a list of sections and cochairs.